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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  November 21, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm PST

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but great job. hard work and great job to the local high school. public school by the way. >> if he ever does anything bad, are you going to do that in one who are thing? >> no, if he does anything bad, will you run naked through the streets? >> please don't. . embattled democrats go nuclear. republicans charge it's an effort to change the subject from obama care to blowing up tradition in the senate. this is special report. good evening, i'm bret bear owing oig. timing is everything. today the president is caught in a whirlpool p criticism over his signature health plan. ace his allies threw him a political life preserver. charles krauthammer is in new york reacting to what is called the nuclear option.
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ed henry is at the white house. but we begin with mike emanuel at the capital. >> republican leaders are accusing democrats of a power grab and threatening that they will live to regret this bold move. complaining of grid lock, senate democrats changed the rules eliminating filibusters for most presidential nominations. the vote was mostly along party lines and scraps nearly 225 years of precedent. >> the change would ensure executive and judicial nominations, an up and down vote on confirmation. the rule change will make closuclos cloture for all nominations. >> three temperatures vot democ the go.
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. mitch mcconnell accused reid of going nuclear. >> millions of americans are hurting because of a law washington democrats forced upon them and what do they do about it? they cook up some fake fight over judges. >> mcconnell mocked reid with another obama care reference. >> he may have just as well have said if you like the rules of the senate, you can keep them. >> later a top democrat fired back. >> mitch mcconnell says we tried to change the subject? i beg to differ. he doesn't want to address the filibusters, he doesn't want to address the rules changes. so three quarters of his speech is dedicated to obama care. we are not changing the subject today. he is. >> in the white house briefing room, president obama expressed support. >> today's pattern of obstruction isn't normal. it's not what our founders envisioned. a deliberate and determined effort to obstruct everything no matter what the matter just to
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refight the results of an election is not normal. >> the prominent democrats ca s didn't like the idea when it was threatened in 2005 when they were in the minority. >> this nuclear option is ultimately an example of the arrogance of power. >> filibuster is far from a procedural gimmick. it's part of the fabric of this institution we call the senate. >> today tennessee republican lamar alexander sounded an alarm. >> this is the most important and most dangerous restructuring of senate rules since thomas jefferson wrote them at the beginning of our country. it is truly pot about the filibuster. it is another raw exercise of political power to permit the majority to do anything it wants whenever if wants to do it. >> reid was asked would it come back for bite them. >> no, this is the way has to be.
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the senate has changed. the senate has changed. look what's happened. >> this comes as the senate is trying to finish up the against authorization bill and as lawmakers are trying to hammer out a budget agreement. now there are serious doubts about about what can be accomplished the rest of this conference. >> thanks, mike. with his poll numbers plummeting, president obama is thankful for any distraction from the health care mess. but as mike mentioned, there are potential down sides to the senate move. more now from chief white house correspondent ed henry. >> reporter: barely an hour after president obama had liberal pundits over for a long off the record session to help shore up his base after weeks of pounding over health care, he came out whole hog for a tactical step that also rallies his partisan allies. >> so i support the step a majority of senators today took to change the way that washington is doing business. >> reporter: the president
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backing the extraordinary step of democrats changing senate rules to run rough shot over republican attempts to block some of his nominees, including those who could hold sway over major regulatory matters. >> the gears of government have to work. and the step taken today i think will help make those gears work just a little bit better. >> reporter: the shift in focus to the so-called nuclear option also enables the president to try and change the subject from the broken gears over at which have been sinking his poll numbers. even his aides tried to down play the significance of bringing in liberal pundits to try to right the ship. >> the president is not focused on politics right now. what the president is focused on is implementing the affordable care agent in a way that maximizing the law. >> reporter: earlier this week the president himself framed it as a political campaign as he urged his liberal supporters to
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beat back republican attempts to dismantle the law. >> so i've run my last political campaign but i have one more campaign in me and that's making sure that this law works and we're not backing off one bit. >> reporter: take the president was reflective about the war over nomination. >> i realize that neither party has been blameless for these tactics. they have developed over years. and it seems as if they continually escalated. >> reporter: in fact those tactics were developed in part by then senator obama in 2005 who threatened to block all of president bush's nominations up he got his way on policy and he lashed out at mitch mcconnell's 2005 threat to use the nuclear option against democrats. >> i sense that talk of the nuclear option is more about power than about fairness. i believe some of my colleagues proposed this rules change
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because they can get away with it rather than because they know it's good for our democracy. >> reporter: though aides now insist the president's change of heart is not hypocritical. >> then senator obama would argue it was a sub stand tifr thinks. >> but he was obstructing nominees. what is different now? >> what's different is -- i didn't work with senator obama at the time. i do think the president was pretty forthcoming about the fact that this is a problem that existed for a while. and neither side is blameless. >> reporter: today came cal's board overseeing their health insurance exchange voted to keep cancellation policies going out health insurance exchange voted to keep cancellation policies going out. meanwhile the administration issued new policy guide lines for transitional policies for people who are not grandfathered in and they're hopeful here at the white house tonight that other states beyond california will actually deal with this deferment.white house tonight t states beyond california will actually deal with this deferment. let's get some animalis of what's going on at the natural. charles krauthammer joins us
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from new york tonight.of what's going on at the natural. charles krauthammer joins us from new york tonight. his book is number one on the "new york times" best seller list. hello, charles. your thoughts. >> i've always amused by the nuclear option debate because it is without a doubt the most spectacular display of congressional hypocrisy. because whatever the minority party is argues, it says it is a majestic part of oufr constitution and as soon as the moon minority become as jorlt like harry reid and the democrats and obama, all of a sudden it's terrible instrument of obstruction. this was a fundamental change of the rules and done on sfrikt strict party line which is it should not be. same way obama care a major reform on party lines. that should not be. but on the substance of the change, i think the democrats
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have stumbled upon the truth as they do every decade or so. if you are not to know who is in power,ic it's a better idea for the president to have the ability to nominate his nominees judicial and executive without having to get a soupermajority. and the other part of it as a conservative, i'm extremely happy that the democrats are doing this. the prospects are very strong that the democrats will lose the senate next year and there is an excellent chance of losing the white house. and the democrats will absolutely rue the day because they not only will allow a republican majority which will come one day anyway to get its nominees through, but chuck grassley has said that when republicans come into you power, they're going to include supreme court nominees. and that will be a devastating blow to the liberals on the court and to the liberals in the
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country. so i don't think testimonies will remember this day with any joy in the near future. >> how much do you think this had to do with obama care? some republican lawmakers think it had a lot to do with it. >> it surely is a way to have something to talk about, some victory to bring home in probably the worst month for the democrats in a decade. excluding the 2010 election. but i do think it was an issue that was roiling. they do want to have the power to put judges in because they are losing on all the other elements. so it was their desire to leave a legacy, but it is a very short run outlook. it will be the legacy of a few appointments, but the legacy of the republicans will return the favor in spades in the future. >> and the status of president obama and his administration at
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this point? >> i think it's very short sighted. this is a victory that will last a day and a half in the news. but the cancellation of the policies of obama care, the sticker shock when people see the premiums, the breakdown of the system of enrolling people is a daily story that keeps getting larger. it's an avalanche and this will not protect them from the avalanche. it will last about a day and a half. >> charles, safe travels back to d.c.. see you tomorrow. what do you think about the nuclear option and what happened today? do you have a question about it for the all-star panel? head over to baier sr or let me know on twitter. @bret baier p. up next, what was thought to be a done geel uone deal is not in afghanistan. but first, fox 46 in charlotte with the refer represented billy graham oig getting out of the hospital after a brief stay for
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respiratory problem. fox 9 in minneapolis/st. paul on the rescue of five children from a submerged car this morning. they were unresponsive after up to 45 minutes in the near freezing pond. the woman who was driving got out of the car when it hit the water. the conditions of the children have not yet been released. and this is a live look at dallas from fox 4 #, t, the bigy there tonight, preparations for tomorrow's remembrance. jfk assassination. [ male announcer at red lobster,
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late today it was announced new efforts towards opposing new sanctions on iran. talks at the west aimed at easing though sanctions hit a road back in geneva.
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they're trying to come up with a deal acceptable to all sides. u.s. and eithits partners want restrictions on their ability to enrich uranium. companies are invited to get involved. organization for prohibition of chemical weapons is asking for proposals from firms asking for the treatment and disposal of about 700 tons of chemicals. there could be problems with the deal and afghanistan over keeping american troops there after next year. national security correspondent jennifer griffen has the latest. >> reporter: president karzai surprised his american counter parts when he announced in front of 2500 tribal elders that he won't sign a security agreement with the u.s. until after the afghan election in april when he is required to step down as president. as karzai tried to sell the agreement, he added the following insult, quote, my
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trust with america is not good. i don't trust them and they don't trust me. during the past ten years, i have fought with them and they have made propaganda against me. the white house insists the agreement must be signed by the end of the year if it is going to keep thousands of troops in afghanistan for another decade.state department said it cannot wait until april for the agreement to be signed. >> it's not practical for us to further delay. because of the uncertainty it would create. >> reporter: the agreement is needed to protect u.s. troops from prosecution by the host country as they train afghan forces and carry out counterterrorism operations. something karzai needs in order for his government not to fall to the taliban. >> you don't throw new road blocks in to things. he's trying to share the burden with others part tly because he will not be the one implementing it, he will be out of office. >> the white house released the
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letter president obama septemnt karzai yesterday. there is no apology. the letter does address afghan concerns, quote, as the new agreement estates, u.s. forces shall not enter afghan homes for the purpose of military operations except under extraordinary circumstances involving you are ghept risk to the life and limb of u.s. nationals. administration officials say they do not intend to keep traps in afghanistan for another ten years. if the agreement is signed, the u.s. will spend billions to prop up the fragile afghan government after accruing more than $2 trillion in u.s. debt to pay for the past decade of war. >> jennifer griffen live at the pentagon. thank you. still ahead, are the media trying to give the president a break on obama care? is chris christie the republicans' best hope in 2016? this is the age of knowing what you're made o why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pai
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another bullet point on chris christie's resume. he's taking over as the head of the republican governors association. and that might not be the last new job for christie, at least his supporters hope so. karl cameron has that story from scottsdale. >> reporter: he's the hottest republican politician in the country. >> my job is to elect and reelect republican governors. that will be my sole focus. >> reporter: chris christie's emphasis on bipartisanship and results have catapulted him to the top of the polls. he's the only republican to best hillary clinton in head to head match-ups. no other republican comes close. >> 2016 is a long way away. and i'm two weeks out of a campaign. i'm not looking to start speculating about other
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campaigns already. we have the 2014 to deal with. >> reporter: but already his potential gop rivals are questioning his conservatism. rick perry has suggested it won't travel well to the early nomination contests in iowa, new hampshire and south carolina where conservatives dominate the process. >> you have to build a foundation. and the foundation is between now and 2014 and then in 2015, we can have a conversation about how we transition this country into a more red state type of a foundation at the national level. >> reporter: the outgoing chairman bobby jindal has called on the gop to stop being the, quote, stupid party. all say republicans in washington are part of the problem. >> we want americans to trust us with the keys to the car. we have to prove we're ready for it. it's not enough to say we disagree with the president. >> reporter: scott walker skipped the event to promote his book. two other governors are also
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eyeing white house bids. mike pence and john kasich who ran briefly for president himself in 2000 and has never really let go of the idea. rand paul of kentucky is an influential u.s. senator. i think they want someone outside of what's going on. someone like myself who has been promoting term limits. >> reporter: since 2010, the debate on the right has been between the tea party versus the establishment. looking forward to 2014 and '16, it's already appear to go morpm into a washington outsider/insider. >> carl cameron live in scottsdale. thank you. florida republican congre congressman trey radel has checked himself into a rehab facility. he's taking a leave of absence to deal with substance abuse
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issues. yesterday he pleaded guilty to misglean or cocaine possession. he was sentenced to a year's proceed base. stocks today were back in positive territory.dow gained 109 to close at another record high finishing above 16,000 for the first time. the s&p 500 was up 14.5. nasdaq ended ahead 48. >> political signs of the times misspelled, of course. and an army on a different stomach and owe depending a whole lot of god's children with one simple word. we will explain all of it in the grapevine next.
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i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief! now the political grave vine. some fuzzy math down in georgia. could bb county residents are starting to push bag over the plan to fork over $300 million to build a new atlanta braves baseball stadium. but their voices are unlikely to be heard. county officials decided the money will be approved by a vote among could bb commissioners, ny a public referreferendum. why? they say it would cost too much to hold a special election. the wire writes a baseball team move building 20 minutes closer to cobb residents is worth $300 million to the area. a democratic vote in costing less than one tenth of a percent of that shiny new stadium
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apparently isn't. the atlanta journal constitution says e-mail feedback is running 4 to 1 against that stadium. costco is apologizing for an error. a pastor was shopping for a gift for his wife when he saw bibles labeled as fiction. the chain store is blaming the error on one of its distributors and says it will immediately relabel all mislabeled bibles. the norwegian army is fighting a new enemy, climate change. to do so, it apparently requires sacrifice. afp reports the army will put its troops on a vegetarian diet once a week termed meatless mondays. the limit intake ecologically unfriendly foods. it says livestock farming accounts for nearly a fifth of global greenhouse gas emissions. norway's army estimates it would cut its meat consumption by 150 tons a year. environmental groups are
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praising the move and passing the vegetables. and finally, something's not right with this senate democrat sign. take a close look. against on the right side, and filibuster both misspelled. and it could be argued they intended to write in the history of this nation rather than in this history of the nation. a democratic aide quickly took the sign down after we took that picture today. this is a fox news alert. breaking news on obama care. more previously unreleased documents highlighting serious concerns among top administration i.t. officials in the week before, days before, the disastrous website launch. james rosen is here with the breaking details. >> reporter: good evening. these new documents on which come with the names of the e-mail recipients redacted. they shed further light on the testing of the obama care website and the alarm bells some
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were sounding internally about the failures being encountered. among those sending and receiving these newly disclosed e-mails were henry chow, the project manager for the website for cms, that's the agency with oversight responsibility. and also todd park, the chief technologyat the white house. on one e-mail, september on september 26 of this year, and received by henry chow among other, an information services official at cms described how on the preceding day, quote, on wednesday, 9-25, the test finished with a lot of errors. he continued, the individual app race and ethnicity transactions were taking a long time and eventually the system reached a break point after which everything started failing, unquote. he went on, later in wednesday evening, we ran two more cycles of testing. neither was successful, up quotquot unquote. the next day, chow wrote to cms staff in all caps, i do not want
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a repeat p what happened near the end of 2005 when had a meltdown. this is to get your attention, chow wrote. if i didn't have it already. when these documents were are released by the house energy and commerce committee, these documents are an indication of an disaster in the making and responsible bureaucrats struggling to come to terms with a system they were finding to be deeply flawed. >> and last week, you heard the president say if he had known, if senior aides had known the website wasn't ready to xwoi, that they wouldn't have rolled it out. >>. >> right except that we have todd park on some of these e-mails and he is a high ranking white house official. >> okay, james. thank you. as we told you you earlier in the program, president obama met today with several left leaning members of the media. he's obviously counting on them to help shift the public's attention from the as to far disastrous rollout of his health care program. tonight fox news media analyst
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and host of media buzz howard kurtz says the mainstream journalistic tide may already start to turn. >> reporter: for weeks now the media's heavy artillery has been firmly trained on the tee back kell known as obama care, but now some are returning to the familiar target, the gop. some are pivoting to portray the other side as what a national journal columnist calls the party of zilch. >> i don't see a republican agenda except to destroy obama. >> senate republicans are holding the line in the face of emmention pressure against immigration reform. also standing up against gay rights. >> reporter: any coordination going on? well, the president held an off the record session today with several msnbc anchors and contributors. al sharpton, ed schultz, lawrence o'donnell, howard fineman, along with fox's juan
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williams. and thatnancy pelosi as many tag about the gop opposition. the obama administration's fumbling is apparently a good execution for them to do nothing on immigration reform, on a budget agreement, and on any other initiative coming out of the white house. no now as a matter balance, republicans shouldn't willing exempt from journalistic struts any, but some commentators may be tired of the obama care story or just tired of criticizing president obama. >> thank you. is today's fight over the senate so-called nuclear option just a diversion area tactic by democrats or something bigger? we'll ask the fox all stars when we come bag. life's an adventure when you're with her.
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celebration. it's a time for being very serious. for too long, washington has been in gridlock, gridlock, gridlock. >> this is not a very proud day in the history of the senate. in order to distract attention away from obama care, the senate has broken the rules in order to change the rules. >> i support the step a majority of senators today took to change the way that washington is doing business. ultimately you've got a joemajoy of folks who believe in something. >> senate democrats changed the rules in the u.s. senate today for most of presidential nominations changing about 225 years of precedent in that body. both the president and the vice president were senators at one time.
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>> the american people want less partisanship in this town, but everyone in this chamber knows that if the majority chooses to end the filibuster, if they choose to change the rules and put an end to democratic debate, then the fighting and the bitterness and the gridlock will only get worse. >> i say to my friends on the republican side, you may own the field right now, but you won't own it forever. and i pray god when the democrats take back control we don't make the kind of naked power grab you are doing. >> okay. with that, let's bring in our panel. steve hayes rk, amy stoddard, a george will. amy. >> i'm actually told i'm not sip cal enough, but i was surprised this happened. as a mom, you threaten to at that time take the tv and break
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it, it's a great threat, but they kind of know you won't do it. democrats will pay for this.'s kind of know you won't do it. democrats will pay for this. i was stunned that they would do that for that reason. i can understand their exasperation. i think that the nonpartisan, bipartisan new precedent of abusing the filibuster is a shame and it's created more gridlock. but what they have done by grabbing power in this way and breaking long standing rule in the senate is going to increase partisanship and gridlock. >> george. >> well, both parties have been situational emphasis in a disgraceful way. in 2005 when the republicans threatened essentially this, i strenuously opposed it and i strenuously oppose this. it's a melancholy day.
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thisdy m dky thisky diminishes minority rights. it further expands presidential power. but it coarsens american governance in this sense. founders knew democracy had t s adding up majorities. they had to come up with ways to measure intensity which the filibuster does.up majorities. they had to come up with ways to measure intensity which the filibuster does.majorities. they had to come up with ways to measure intensity which the filibuster does. senator van derburg said if a majority in the senate can at anytime on any issue change any rule, then you don't have rules. you have simply twill of the majority of the moment. and it's a sad day for what used to be a great political body. >> both sides have their talking points and charts. the democrats coming out with a chart about president obama and how many times he's been blocked with nominations.
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and here is their filibusters on president obama's nominations as compared to previous presidents. but then the republicans point out the vast majority of president obama's nominees have been confirmed and there you see the number rejected there. so two different charts telling two very different stories. >> and this is why everybody hates washington. the hypocrisy goes both ways. but george is right. this is a terrible step for the country. harry reed id despite warning i would ruin the country, he's doing this on a limited basis only for certain nominations. nobody expects that that will be the case. it's interesting to listen to the discussion just over the past few hours. everybody understands that that will not be the case, that this will soon graduate, that well be talking about a bigger nomination that we'll be talking eventually about legislation.
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chuck grassley from iowa said republicans will use this to get supreme court nominees passed. >> because right now it does not include supreme court nominees. but he's suggesting that what's to prevent -- >> he's right. it will ultimately include legislation and everything else. it will make the senate in effect just like the house. when you look back at federal 62 and the arguments made there, the entire point of the senate was to distinguish it from the house, to allow to be a more deliberative body to slow things down, to be an additional check on the growth of government and the pace at which legislation moves through. and we basically in the process of the first step of losing that. >> senator karl lecarl levin vo against the move. >> they're moving these minority protection risks that in the the future important civil and political rights might just disappear because a majority
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agree that they should. and let us know kid ourselves, the fact that we change the rules today just to apply to judges and executive nominations does not mean the same precedent won't be used tomorrow or next year or the year after to provide for the end of a filibuster on legislation, on bills that are befores us and amendments. >> he's right. there no limiting principle. that is majority should rule all the time. what this means is if in the spring of 2017 there is a republican president, which therecould be, the republicans still hod the house and they have 51 senators, they can ask repeal obama care with 51 votes. and i'm not sure the people who did this today have thought this through. >> how much do you think it had to do with obama care either turning the page away from obama care or there is an element to this that deals with regulation in that one of the judges
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they're fighting over is for the circuit here thin d.c. that dea with regulatory issues and now it will be 5-4 democrat to republican in that court. >> i think it is to one specific rope. they threatened it many times and think that they did it because they thought they needed for -- they needed a reprieve from -- they want to get a lot of people voted through and confirmed. i do think it changed the subject of obama care, but they knew it would be a two day story. >> i think they did it in part to change the subject, but they want to paint republicans as hopeless obstructionists and they think this helps make their case. i think this will be a one day, two day story at most and we'll return to cover just near full-time coverage of obama care. next up, the president tries to cozy up to liberal media folks as the obama care saga continues. plus our panel's health care solutions. we continue that next. [ male announcer ] introducing new fast acting advil.
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the white house today, an invite to talk to the president for some left leaning pundits and columnists and media folks talked to the president off the record. we heard the general message from senior administration officials was we are going to fight back on obamacare and continue the fight. we're back with our panel. we have been asking -- yesterday we asked our panelists about solutions, possible solutions here because people are asking that all the time. what about this? how, if obamacare, george, starts to implode, what are the solutions that either republicans or anybody could come up to replace it or move forward?
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>> there is four simple things to do right away. first, particularly unions negotiate these contracts. tax all employer provided healthcare is what it manifestly is compensation. make people whole from that tax increase allowing large tax credits to allow people to go into the market and shop for their own healthcare. refundable tax credits for those who pay little or no taxes. third, let them shop across state lines as we do for automobile insurance. and for no good reason, we are forbiddenned to do regarding health insurance. fourth, health savings accounts. my goodness, you buy high deductible insurance. you get tax preferred savings and you pay your own every day healthcare expenses out of your own pocket. this gives americans skin in the game. 50 years ago the person receiving the healthcare paid 4 will cents of every healthcare dollar.
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today it's 12 cents. americans need to have more skin in the game to become shoppers and price sensitive. we also need to know finally we have a lot of data on high deductible insurance we know that a, people are high deductible insurance use the healthcare system about 14% less than other people do. and, b, they suffer no measurable decline in public health. >> a.b.? >> unlike george i'm not a healthcare policy expert and i don't think so people in the administration were either when they were putting this together. the way to get out of hole is to delay it immediately for a year or more during which time they obviously have to fix the way that people are going to purchase it, which is by fixing the web site. and on the substance they need to find a way to work with insurance companies to make more plans comply with obamacare. so that there is more choice and it's more appealing to consumers. they found a way to make them so restrictive to lead so many key hospitals and physicians that nobody is
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going to like what they find out once they get on the web site. they have to actually find a way to rework it at the substance level that they really didn't take the time and care, if you speak to people who are familiar with the negotiations on the front end. >> steve? >> don't rework it. end it once you end it, the centerpiece of any follow-on reform has to be what george mentioned universal tax credits for the purchase of insurance. john goodman at the national center for policy analysis known as the father of health savings account came up with a plan in which he suggests tax credits for $2,500 per individuals. $8,000 per family of four. which are the same what the cbo tells us new medicaid enrollees will cost and give people the option of buying on the private market or jumping in to medicaid. >> but you are talking there about upending the current system. >> right. >> it takes a big political lift to do that for the 80% who get their healthcare from employees, from their
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employers. >> they will resist it tooth and nail because it's -- it's iniquity from which they benefit. the fact that they are getting a substantial portion of their compensation. unions, the strongest unions -- and this is the strongest reason for income a union anymore -- is because they can use their leverage to get you untaxed compensation worth what steve says maybe $8,000. that's a great benefit. the unions will resist this but equity demands it. >> there is kind of a broad point here. >> i think actually in an interesting way, obamacare, if it indeed collapses and we have to start over as a country will have done republican as tremendous favor. because, if you go back and look at republican reform proposals over the years, they all include a basic assumption. and that is that the american healthcare consumer is an active one, not a passive one. and it's wrong. for years we have had passive healthcare consumption. you might get up a bump up in your co-pay and complain about it or you might fight your insurance company on one or another charges. most people haven't been paying attention to
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healthcare costs and the way that george points out. i think what obamacare may do, if it collapses, people have been forced now to pay attention to these things. you don't have the luxury anymore of saying yeah, i'm not interested or i'm not going to pay attention or i'm sure my employer is taking care of it. now you have to pay attention what you are getting if for no other reason to see what might change. active healthcare consumer makes fertile ground for republicans to make those arguments now. >> just an example of how people are paying attention. i had lunch today with a doctor who happens to be the senator from wyoming, mr. ba was so he. he said all over the country doctors offices are unusually busy right now. people saying that shoulder of mine i better get that attended to while i still have insurance. maybe before the first of january. >> we will continue to follow it and ask for more solutions. that's it for the panel. twist on iconic movie scene. tfs.
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finally tonight in this internet age, sometimes videos take off on youtube. they go viral very quickly. you know the morning shows on the networks especially love the wedding videos. they think they draw people in, perhaps, they get special focus. well, this one -- well, this one had a comparison up north with a story in the headlines lately. >> one couple's incredible version of incredible dance scene from dirty dancing burning up the web this morning and what they did during the section has gone viral. ♪ i've had the time of my life ♪ i never felt this way before >> okay now, see, a lot of people thought they were inspired by the movie. i don't think so. i think they were inspired by this couple up in canada. take a look. >> all i can remember was my eyes locking with his. [ laughter ] ♪ because i've had the time of my life.
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[cheers] >> steve are we done with the rob ford story? it's not done yet? thanks for inviting us into your home tonight? that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and unafraid. greta goes "on the record" right now. this is a fox news alert. new and more evidence that the obama administration had fears about in the days leading up to the october 1st launch. fox news correspondent james rosen is here with the latest. james? >> greta, good evening. these documents released by the house energy and commerce committee, the g.o.p. controlled panel that had primary legislative oversight over obamacare when it was snaking its way through the congress. among thosen on the sending and receiving ends of some of these emails were henry chow, the project manager for the web site for cmf. the agency with oversight responsibility and also todd park the chief technology officer at the white house. on one email sent on september 26th of this year